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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting bigger and bigger!!

Gray, you love to come play at YaYa's house. You think all my friends are super fun. And you've started daycare last week. According to Mommy, you LOVE it!! The workerrs think you are The best and cutest baby ever. You are afraid to go to sleep there, tho--you are afraid you might miss something!!

GrandDude and I have been loving giving you baths--GD always squirts you with the squirter in the sink. You don't seem to mind at all. I mind, tho, 'cause I'm the one who gets totally soaked!! GrandDude and I told you the story of the "Three Little Pigs" this past weekend--with all the voices and sound effects, of course. I'm not sure you were too thrilled with GrandDude's "huffing and puffing". It made us both laugh.

Hollan continues to mess with you. She lays really close and swings her tail in your face. One day when you were sitting in GrandDude's lap, who should hop up to have her turn?? That big dog, Hollan!! There was literally no room for Mr. Gray--you were squashed!! Your mom did not think that was funny!!

I wonder what we will do this Saturday, Gray. Know it will be lots of fun!! Love, YaYa

Saturday, July 24, 2010

6 weeks of traveling for yaya!!

Mr. Gray,
You are certainly a growing boy!! You are wide awake now and looking all around. You love sitting with Grand Dude, Aunt Helen, and, of course, with Momma. I can't believe all the things you are doing--cooing, laughing out loud, and giving us great big smiles when you first see us. You are a darling boy and we love you SOOOO much!! All my love, YaYa