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Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day AND Church!!

Dear Grayson, What an amazing day for your first Father's Day!! Your greatgrandmother, MawMaw was here--she's been keeping you for the past week while Mommy starts back to work. She is really loving on you a lot!!

And you went to church for the first time!! Grand Dude was super proud to share you with everyone. You were mostly quiet during the service. You did not seem too thrilled about organ music. You would scrunch up your face when the organ would first start.

Mommy and Daddy both think you are an amazing and wonderful baby. Daddy got a little annoyed with me because I took so many pictures. MawMaw was glad I was doing it, tho--and I think Daddy will be, too. I just hope you don't hate having pictures made like Daddy--because I am really going to make you crazy!!

Happiest Grand Dude and Aunt ever!!

This is the sweetest boy ever!! I love that little face!! You are really working on holding your head up. Mommy sent me a text saying you were smiling at her! She loves it. Thank you for helping make this a wonderful day for everyone!! We love you, Grayson. All my love, YaYa

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ten weeks old and going!!

Dearest Grayson, You are really getting to be a big boy!! You have rolled over several times--I don't think you really have any idea what you are doing. Mommy said it was really a surprise for you--and you couldn't figure out how to get your arm out from under you.

Your legs and arms are moving all the time. You still startle easily; and you even startle yourself when you are asleep...and that wakes you up!!

GrandDude and I have gotten to watch you several times this week. Mommy is going back to work tomorrow--she wishes she could stay home with you and kiss and kiss on you. MawMaw is coming to take care of you for two weeks till you start to school. You are having a busy time in June!!Grayson, you are loving tummy time and laying on your back checking out your toys. You are starting to bat at them, but you are surprised when you do it--and not too certain how to do it again.

Helen's kitten, Els, is loving your baby gym, too!! She is much more acrobatic than you, tho!! She thinks you and your bottles smell lovely.

Here's Els checking YOU out!! Grayson, you are the sweetest baby ever!! GrandDude and I love you so very, very much!! I'm going on a business trip today and won't be back till Thursday. You'll probably be grown by then!! Much love, YaYa

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Waking up!!

Look at that little face!! Is that not the cutest thing EVER???!!! Grayson, we are loving seeing you with your eyes open. You are much more awake now. Your aunt, Helen, is having the best time with you. She messes with you a lot, but you mostly seem to like it. You are seldom crying--only when you are hungry do you cry and it's not that loud when you do. Mommy took you to the doctor for your two month check-up and you weighed nearly ten pounds. And then yesterday you were laying on your back kicking and you rolled over onto your tummy!! You were very surprised with your skills and then had no idea how to get your arm out from underneath. Mommy had to help. I believe you are going to be rolling over lots soon AND smiling lots soon, too. You make all of us laugh!! More and more love, YaYa