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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finding One's Thumb

Dear Grayson, We have had the best time with you this past week!! You are laughing and trying to talk all the time. Your momma and I think that you have something really big to say; you just have to figure out how to say it!! We KNOW it will be something very profound!!

Saturday we went and visited your great grandparents, Frances and Claude. And then we stopped by Miller and Phil's for a visit. It is super hot now--100 degrees and you are really, really hot riding around in your carseat.

When we got home you spent the rest of the evening working on getting your thumb in your mouth! One forgets how difficult it is to separate your thumb from those pesky other fingers!!

You worked and worked!.....and finally, SUCCESS!!
A thumb was just what you needed so you could take a little snooze. You are finding it harder and harder to nap during the day--you just know you are missing good, fun activities!!
A James Taylor and Carole King concert was on PBS late Saturday night. GrandDude held you and sang and danced with you. Check out that little eye!!--you are so hating to shut them!!
Finally, you passed out on Helen. You are loving having an aunt who loves you so much. And Helen LOVES messing with you!! She is really paying back your momma for the "messing" she did when Helen was a baby. Baby Gray, I love you so, so much. Everyday that love grows stronger--truly, truly a miracle.

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